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What causes this to happen?

When breeders consider creating a new breed, the first thing that comes to mind is a standard. They meticulously prescribe what qualities the animal should have at this point, as well as evaluate the suitability of these traits. It’s possible that a similar breed already exists, or that the pet’s odd appearance will have a negative influence on its health. The bulldog, for example, is only birthed by caesarean section due to its excessively enormous head.
Breeds that are the most similar to the intended outcome are chosen for crossbreeding. The parents are usually in the same weight class: a German Boxer will not be mixed with a Chihuahua, and a Shepherd will not be mated with a Spitz. There’s a good chance the female won’t be able to carry such babies. From the resulting litter, the healthiest and strongest individuals with the most outstanding desired qualities are chosen and crossed. To put it another way, inbreeding is commonly utilized in the breeding of any breed to ensure that desired characteristics are preserved. Selection and cross-breeding continue until all of the progeny exhibit the qualities specified in the standard, at which point the new breed is considered bred.

Who is responsible for the creation of new breeds?

Breeding is a science that involves the creation of new animal breeds. People have acted on intuition for generations, selecting animals whose features they liked and attempting to produce offspring from them. Breeders have learned to be more efficient and breed animals with a high degree of precision and a diversity of attributes thanks to the discovery and development of genetics.
Organizations, clubs, associations, kennels, and other felinological and cynological entities are now active in the development of new breeds.
It is not illegal to breed different breeds at home, but it is preferable if the breeding procedure is done by competent geneticists who can reliably forecast the outcome. Only a scientific approach and laboratory tests can significantly lower the risk of failure.

What is the point of reproducing?

The appearance, or exterior, is the most important factor for today’s breeders. Furthermore, significant efforts are undertaken to improve pet health and care. Many experts seek to establish a perfect breed that is free of the flaws that exist in existing animals. A “hypoallergenic” cat, for example. Alternatively, a dog that is resistant to mites and does not require grooming.
While purebred cats are almost never used for anything more than decoration, dog breeders face a more challenging problem. When it’s not a decorative breed, they choose dogs based on their “specialty,” such as improving a sniffer dog’s sense of smell, increasing a sled dog’s natural stamina, or developing guiding dogs with specific abilities.

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Which animals are compatible with one another?


The higher the chances of success, the fewer breeds involved. When two animals that are quite similar are mated, however, the child may inherit undesirable features from both parents. As a result, infants born to a purebred father and mother may have a poorly defined breed, resembling mongrels.


Mixed-breed dogs and cats have higher genetic diversity than purebred dogs and cats. As a result, genetic abnormalities are substantially less common. Hybridisation is the process of crossing two or more breeds. The Eastern European Shepherd, Moscow Watchdog, and Black Terrier are all descendants of this breed. Hybridization aids in the elimination of undesirable features that have arisen and become entrenched as a result of extensive inbreeding.


The right alternation of hybridisation and closely related crossbreeding is seen to be the most efficient method. Pets of two different breeds are crossed to get the desired qualities. When children with these characteristics appear, they are crossed and the result is consolidated over several generations. To provide a higher diversity of genes, a fresh blood is introduced at some point through cross-breeding, and the qualities are then passed on through multiple closely linked mating exercises. As a result, the healthiest animals with the best characteristics emerge.